Nañia Mille


In Nañia’s life, writing has always been an especially important part.

Like many left-handers, she began to write from right to left reversing the direction of the letters, mirror writing. She still maintains this practice just for fun.

Writing is, like animals and the tarology, her refuge, but also a line of conduct that leads to terrestrial and cosmic development.


All the books have a digital version at €4.65 (payment by Paypal on the web) and a paper version at €12.

For the paper version, please make your request via the contact formumaite to find out the delivery costs according to the order and address indicated.

E.g.: €7 for an order of 1 to 3 books for mainland France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal.


Histoires de chiens qui ont une Histoire

Voici un recueil de vingts histoires réelles de ces chiens que l´auteure, en tant que comportementaliste, a suivis lors de ses interventions.

Ce livre vous aidera à trouver des réponses aux problèmes rencontrés. Nous y croisons aussi leurs maîtres qui nous font partager leurs ressentis, le changement qu´ils ont vu s´opérer, et l´analyse qu´ils en tirent :

Pour une meilleure complicité, la solution par la compréhension !

*Available in french and spanish

Hôtel loc'hostell 2

les amis débarquent

Après leur lune de miel « cadeau », Cécile et Bernard décident de reprendre la gérance de l’Hôtel Loc’Hosthell.

Surprise par leur choix, leur petite bande d’amis les rejoint six mois plus tard, pour passer les vacances de Noël tous ensemble.

Décembre sous les cocotiers, cela fait rêver…

*Available only in french

Deux coeurs dans le mien

Un jour, donc, en regardant ma marraine assise devant le poste de télévision (dont le son est dix fois trop fort pour moi) je commençais à écrire sur son existence et celle de son défunt mari, Parrain Pierrot.

J’avais devant moi, cinq mois avant de rentrer chez moi, cinq mois loin de mon quotidien, cinq mois pour coucher sur le papier mes souvenirs :

ma “Marraine” de Proust !

*Available only in french

Hôtel Loc’Hosthell

c’est cadeau !

Le soir de leur mariage, à leur grande surprise, Cécile et Bernard se voient offrir par leurs amis, le voyage de noces qu’ils ne pouvaient se payer.

Les valises sont prêtes, la voiture pour l’aéroport les attend, même Max le chat est du voyage.

“Une destination de rêves : Fidji” . Toutes les conditions sont réunies pour parfaire leur bonheur.

Seulement, les choses ne se présentent pas comme ils l’imaginent…

*Available only in french

* All the books offered have a digital version at 4.65 € as well as a paper version at 12 €. Payment only via PayPal. The shipping costs are € 7. Delivery in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. For other destinations, please contact our team via the contact form.

Her refuge

    Nañia has not stopped writing, especially for herself, from her childhood until today.

Writing is a common thread that leads her to understand the purpose of her life from a cultural, philosophical and spiritual point of view.

She is in constant introspection and writing leads herself to have a better understanding of her time here on earth.

She constantly tries to achieve the life she has always dreamed about.

Ataraxia: the fullness of the soul. 

Once upon a time…whilst she was speaking at a party, an attentive ear…

The birth of her first book in 2017:

“Stories of Dogs that have a Story”

    While recounting stories about dogs through her profession as a behavioral dog educator, a friend, Sabine, strongly recommended that she should write them all down, as she found them interesting and entertaining.

Nañia chose the funniest stories.

Once, while talking about them, someone asked if he could read any of the stories. This person turned out to be an interested publisher. He asked if she was ready to publish her book once it was finished…

Words, phrases and later…her stories.

    She left New Caledonia to settle in Andalusia, an important place for her, where she has kept herself occupied with her writing.

She wrote her second book: Two hearts in Mine (Deux coeurs dans la mien) in 2019.

The novel recounts memories of almost forty years with two people who are very dear to her, her godparents.

This book was finished in time to celebrate and honor her godmother’s 90th birthday.

In the same year, Nañia began a comedy titled:

Hôtel Loc’Hosthell (c’est cadeau !)

This book, which denounces abuse within the system, is inspired by numerous trips, especially to the Pacific, where Nañia has spent most of her life.

The “Mille-ion” arts of Nañia!